Investing in
Who we are
FOLD36 Capital is a Vancouver-based family office that oversees a diversified portfolio of  investments, with a focus on innovative and sustainable technology startups. We value strong, collaborative relationships, working closely with founders and partnering with select external investment managers and organizations. FOLD36 operates with the core goal of investing in disruptive technology.
Our Mission
At the heart of our firm is a commitment to identifying and supporting visionary entrepreneurs and technological innovators that have the potential to reshape industries and positively impact the world. We go beyond traditional investment strategies, seeking out ventures that align with our values of sustainability and ethical advancement.
Our Mission
At the heart of our firm is a commitment to identifying and supporting visionary entrepreneurs and technological innovators that have the potential to reshape industries and positively impact the world. We go beyond traditional investment strategies, seeking out ventures that align with our values of sustainability and ethical advancement.
Core Values
We believe in the power of innovation to drive progress. Our commitment to staying ahead of the curve allows us to identify and support technologies that have the potential to revolutionize industries and improve lives.
As stewards of capital, we embrace our responsibility to contribute positively to society. Our investments adhere to ethical standards, promoting social responsibility, and environmental sustainability.
We actively seek collaboration with like-minded individuals, entrepreneurs, and organizations to amplify the impact of our investments. By fostering a collaborative ecosystem, we aim to create a network that shares our vision for a better future.
In our investment portfolio, we have strategically positioned ourselves in key sectors where technology and innovation intersect with everyday life and industry needs. We actively seek ventures that address pressing global challenges, from healthcare breakthroughs to solutions for environmental sustainability. We prioritize investments in emerging technologies such as:
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
We are deeply invested in the realm of AI, where our interests range from enhancing retail experiences with spatial AI to pioneering in autonomous driving and peptide drug design. Complementing this, our investments in robotics focus on converting manual machines into autonomous systems, and in quantum computing, pushing the boundaries of computational capabilities. 
Health and Wellness
Our portfolio reflects a strong commitment to the health sector, with investments in companies that are transforming complex care management, revolutionizing liver health standards, and improving surgical and MRI experiences. We also focus on injury prevention and performance monitoring, underlining our dedication to enhancing health and wellness through innovative technologies.
Sustainable Technologies and Renewable Energy
Recognizing the importance of environmental stewardship, our investments include ventures in carbon tracking and emissions management, wildfire detection, and solutions supporting the renewable energy workforce. These initiatives underscore our commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly technologies.
Fintech, ECommerce and Crypto
In the fast-evolving digital commerce and financial landscape, our portfolio includes investments in intelligent ordering systems, e-commerce solutions for retailers, and advanced financial modeling platforms. These investments demonstrate our engagement in transforming the digital commerce and financial sectors.
Mining and Resource Innovation
Our interest in the mining sector focuses on junior mining companies and innovative mineral extraction technologies, reflecting our belief in the potential of these industries to benefit from groundbreaking methods.